Thursday, September 06, 2007

My New Bike

I bought a bike (bicycle). Planning to commute between my house to office. The distance will be around 5-6 Km (one side). While doing research I found lot people like me who are using bikes (bicycle) for this purpose. I bought Firefox Tempest. Cost was 7400/-. You can see details here

I found very interesting Advantages of Cycling (

  1. Lots of exercise: No need of spending monthly fees on GYM other weight reduction programs.
  2. Save FUEL : U don't need any fossil fuel for cycling.
  3. Pollution Control : As there is no carbon monoxide production.
  4. Take a ride on Foot Path : As cycles are not banned on foot path.
  5. Easy Movement : In Traffic signal compared to Motorbikes & CARS.
  6. No road taxes : on the new bicycle.
  7. Don't need a Driving license.
  8. Yearly depreciation :Businessmen can take about 20% yearly depreciation on these.
  9. Sustainable Transport:Carry all monthly groceries, vegetables, fruits from your market.
  10. Time Management: Waiting for a BUS,A Traffic signal. Can be the first to leave a traffic signal.
  11. Transportation Cost : Cost of Shifting a Cycle is much lesser than a Motorcycle or a 4 wheeler.
  12. Maintenance Cost: Very less compared to others.
  13. Servicing : Can be serviced by urself
  14. Cleaning : Need Just 1/2 bucket of water or a small piece cloth is also ok.
  15. Speed : Can reach speed up to 40kms.

At last I can say that I am also contributing for my environment.

Monday, June 04, 2007

New chapter in my life

After a lot of research finally I bought a camera. That is Fuji Finepix S6500 FD I bought this almost a month back. I would say photography is stress killer for me. Mostly I carry my camera. Yes in the office also. My inspiration was Saad ( He was working with me in my previous company. Anyway I have started a new chapter in my lifeJ. You can see my click here :

Friday, April 06, 2007